I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
Halloween complete KS2 pp lesson of 57 slides.
Learning objectives
• To know the origins of Halloween.
• To compare long ago Halloween customs, superstitions and rituals with those celebrated today.
• To create and perform spells and spine-chilling descriptions about Halloween.
• To work co-operatively with a partner or small group to discuss answers and ideas about Halloween and create a short role play.
Fun, interactive lesson which begins with pupil experiences of Halloween. Simple historical origins, customs and superstitions are introduced through riddles, mapwork, completing captions in speech bubbles, role play and idea showers. There are opportunities for pupils to complete structured written tasks and develop literacy ideas through writing spells (using ‘the witches’ from MacBeth) and short descriptions. The lesson includes nine pupil worksheet activities which link (optional) to the lesson and include a creepy picture description, Haunted house spine chilling vocabulary, witch / monster descriptive template, Halloween activity mat (jumbled words, wordsearch, maze, pumpkin decorating, draw the other half), a spell template, co-ordinates activity, Pumpkin acrostic poem template and a 32 card Halloween Quiz.
This lesson can also be broken into 2-3 lessons if all of the templates are used.
India today: Series of 6 KS2 power-point Geography lessons.
Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, participate in a short quiz, take notes from a YouTube clip, scrutinise and compare population graphs and weather tables (included on slides), research native animals and use maps and atlases to locate India’s key cities and geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of India as well as simple cultural information such as a greeting in Indian (Hindi) at the beginning and end of lessons.
Great to link with cross curricular topics such as ‘India’, ‘Rainforests’, ‘Weather’, ‘Ghandi’ etc.
Lesson 1
Learning Objectives
I must find India in my atlas.
I should recognise some of the features of India.
I could describe where India is in the world using geographical words.
Lesson 2
Learning objectives
I must be able to spot the main features of India.
I should find and label the features on my map.
I could write a description about two features.
Lesson 3
Learning Objectives
I must describe a tropical climate.
I should explain the temperature in different locations.
I could interpret the climate data and temperature chart for each month.
Lesson 4
Learning objectives:
I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’.
I should interpret the population table and identify the challenges for living in India.
I could compare population graphs for Indian cities and explain population issues.
Lesson 5
Learning Objectives
I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’, ‘tropical climate’ and ‘weather’.
I must order the ten most populated cities in India.
I should explain how the location of Indian cities affects population size.
I could explain how the weather and climate support the life of the Indian people.
Lesson 6
Learning Objectives
I must identify some features of natural beauty in India.
I should identify and research some of the areas of natural beauty which come from India.
I should identify and research some of the animal, fish and birds which come from India.
The Great Fire of London pp KS1 31 slides.
The power-point can be divided into separate sections depending on how you want to follow up some of the aspects/features depending on your class. Each set of slides includes paired discussion or individual/ paired written follow up tasks or worksheets. There are a range of strategies to keep the content interesting and interactive. Slides 2-6 introduce the topic with a 3-clue riddle, slides 7&9 focus on a sentence starter activity /worksheet about fire engines. Slides 10&11 focus on Samuel Pepys. Slides 12-15 show London in 1666 and a you tube clip about the Great Fire. Slides 16-17: Fire-fighting in 1666.
Slides 18-22 focus on the fire as seen by Samuel Pepys. Slide 23-25: How the fire started and how it spread. Slide 26-27: After the fire. Slides 28-30: Differentiated sequencing activity worksheet, teacher notes and a simple pupil comprehension worksheet.
September Welcome back! Y1-Y6 Powerpoint lesson(s) of 50 slides. Includes simple class and paired games, talk activities and worksheets to help your pupils restart their year together and restart their friendships. The power-point explores feelings, belonging and finding out about the interests of other pupils in the class including hobbies, favourite books, sports etc. There is a section at the end to help pupils model how to make a new friend and how to start/sustain a conversation/make an arrangement to do something. The modelled activities use images of animals to help remove self -consciousness and help pupils take a step back from their own situations.
Learning objectives
To find out about adults and children in my class so I feel comfortable about talking to them.
To recognise that I belong to more than one different group and be able to identify those groups.
To describe feelings about being in a group and help others feel welcomed and included.
To use the story of Kung Fu Tsu to understand positive behaviour towards
To know and practise strategies for making new friends.
To describe how a good friend behaves.
To explain how it may feel for someone who is uncomfortable in social situations and offer solutions to help them.
Improving memory skills.
Power-point of 54 slides. There are 36 one-a-day memory activities to practise with pupils to improve visual and auditory memory skills. The activities are structured week by week to gradually challenge whilst providing practise. For individual pupils or a small group working with an adult.
I have used these activities with children of all ages who struggle to remember/recognise alphabet, phonics, HFW and basic numbers. The activities need to be carried out daily to enable the children to practise and improve. Useful for a TA or SEN TA supporting a group in the classroom.
Week 1 & 2: There are six individual picture games (for each week) to help pupils practise retelling a story with picture prompts or from memory. Pupil record grid (for adult use) is included to enable the adult to see the visual memory progress of each child and identify any issues or areas for further practise.
Week 3: There are six picture sequence/list activities for pupils to retell a short story with or without picture clues.
Week 4: Number sequence recall. Six activities for the adult to use with a child or small group to improve auditory memory skills. Recording sheet for pupil use is provided.
Week 5: Colour sequence recall. Six activities for the adult to use with a child or small group to improve auditory memory skills. Recording sheet for pupil use is provided.
Week 6: Listen and draw sequence activities. Full instructions for the adult are provided plus a pupil record sheet for adult assessment of pupil progress.
KS1/Y3 Powerpoint lesson (s) of 65 slides on the topic ‘Norman castles.’
Learning Objectives:
• To recognise and name the features of castles.
• To explain who William of Normandy was, where he came from and what he was famous for doing.
• To compare the similarities and differences between motte and bailey and stone built castles.
• To explain how the first castles were made.
• To give reasons why castles were built in specific places and in specific ways.
• To recap the features of a castle using the correct historical words.
• To know that castles were gifts or rewards in Norman times.
• To make a non-fiction booklet about castles.
The slides are easy to follow and devised to encourage partner/trio discussion and collaboration through key questioning and small group activities. The slides can be divided easily into four separate lessons (following the learning objectives) or interchanged depending on how quickly or in depth you want to take over each aspect of this topic. Slides 1-5 use pupil knowledge as a starting point assessment through a ‘what am I?’ activity. Slides 6-13 focus on features of castles. Slides 14-22 focus on William the Conqueror and include a paired map activity using atlases. Slides 23-36 look at early motte and bailey castles and include a short clip from Youtube. Included is a simple DT planning sheet for pupils to design then build a motte and bailey castle and a separate comparison worksheet. Slides 37-45 focus on castle defences and include a labelling worksheet and an ‘attack and defence’ activity. Slides 46-48 encourage pupils to consider the purposes of castles in war and peace time. Slides 49-59 can be used as a castle features class quiz or a paired assessment. Slides 59- 63 look at famous castles belonging to Normans. Slide 64 is a non-fiction template for pupils to use to make notes about their knowledge of Norman castles. The final slide offers a suggestion for making a ‘castle’ booklet.
Dinosaur comprehension cards. Set of 12. KS1/lower KS2. Each card includes a simple information about a dinosaur and eight questions for pupils to retrieve from the text. Simple layout for pupils to find information easily and an engaging picture of each subject on the card. Can also be used without the comprehension questions as a reference resource for pupils to research a dinosaur independently.
Dinosaur fact cards. Set of 12 KS1/KS2. Can be used as a game to help pupils learn the names and characteristics of the individual dinosaurs. Use also as a reference resource for research work on Dinosaur topic, Science /non-fiction writing. Each card has a brief fact about location, date, appearance, teeth, fun fact and a general information section. Simple layout for pupils to find information easily and an engaging picture of each dinosaur.
Dinosaurs included: Triceratops, Stegosaurus, T-Rex, Diplodocus, Velociraptor, Brontosaurus, Pterosaur, Parasaurolophus, Nodosaur, Iguanodon, Spinosaurus, Scutellosaurus.
Tudor History full Y6 6-8 weeks unit of work ‘Off with their heads!’ covering the following learning objectives:
• To know the names and order of the Tudor monarchs.
• To know who was important in Tudor government and which people were the most powerful.
• To understand why it was important for Henry V111 to marry Catherine of Aragon.
• To explain why Henry V111 needed a healthy male heir and consider solutions.
• To order the names of Henry V111’s wives and children and explain whether Henry’s marriages solved his problems.
• To explain how and why the religion of England changed during Henry V111’s reign.
• To explain how England was ruled after Henry V111’s death.
• To consider the reign of Mary Tudor and judge the impact of her rule on England.
The power-point contains 98 slides which include the 6/8 week planning grid. There are interactive pupil tasks, prepared factsheets to guide pupil research, a range of worksheets and tasks to scaffold the Tudor family tree, ruling hierarchy etc. Also sentence starter exercises and drama activities, sorting activities (Catholic and Protestant), letter and portrait discussion stimulus and link to You tube clip. There are also opportunities for pupils to complete written tasks and summaries.
My class of Y6 enjoyed these lessons and particularly engaged with the drama tasks of Conscience Alley and Hot Seating.
I made this resource for Y5 to research simple facts about their sporting favourites in a practical and fun way. the children loved to activity and really enjoyed reading each-other’s work which we made into a colourful display. Useful fun activity for any event in the annual sporting calendar (World Cup, Olympics, Rugby etc).
I made this template for KS2 to make simple topic research and information gathering more practical and fun but I have also used it with groups in KS1. The children cut out the ‘head and shoulders’ template and decorate it as their chosen historical character (it could be anyone from the past eg. Kings & Queens, explorers, inventors, designers etc). Then the children cut out the paper strips and complete the spaces beneath the headings.
They make a colourful and informative class display and the children love reading each other’s contributions.
A fun resource for pupils to make as a start of term or new class activity to share with friends/teacher and create a colourful display where every child can be represented.
I used this template with KS2 pupils but it can also be used with KS1.
KS1/KS2 Matching pairs character cards. Set of 48 cards (24 pairs) for pupils. Useful for matching and pairing games, stimulating language and for book quizzes. Cut each picture, laminate or cover and pupils can use the cards more than once. Alternatively, the images can be used for pupils to use as part of a glue/stick activity. Images include the names of paired characters from books and movies for example: Pumba and Timon, Romeo and Juliet, Peter Pan and Wendy, Dr Who and the Daleks.
KS1 & 2 Biography planning template. A resource for pupils to use to plan their own factual biographical writing. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing biographies and spaces for pupils to develop the structure of the biography about their chosen person or animal.
Great to use following History /famous people/animals lesson or drama. Can also be used with most topics: My family, heroes, current or historical characters, explorers, travel, Halloween, etc.